
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday Thoughts ~ Divine Help

Good Morning and Welcome!

Over the past several days I've been listening to some of the teachers who've been interviewed as part of Hay House's 2013 World Summit. Yesterday I had the pleasure of listening to Doreen Virtue who is well known for her expertise on angels. This wonderful interview gave me so much insight on God's messengers!

As far back as Genesis, the bible talks about angels and their part in God's plan, our spiritual journey, and salvation. Jesus was very familiar with the angels and turned to them for their guidance and strength often!

This led me to today's "Thursday Thoughts" on Divine Help.

St. Francis DeSales is known throughout the Catholic Church and other religious circles for his writings on living the devout life. He is also known as the Patron Saint of Writers.

Writers can go to any Catholic book store/gift shop and find a novena (prayer) to St. Francis DeSales that is known to help with guidance and inspiration.

Okay, many of you will stop reading now because of the stigma against novena's and praying to anyone but Jesus, but please bear with me! Regardless of what you've been taught it is MY belief that asking a Saint (who is already in the presence of Jesus) for intercession is no different than asking a mortal for intercessory prayer!

Anyway, not to get off on that tangent LOL!, in her interview, Ms. Virtue mentioned some of the Archangels and their role or mission.

As the widow of a law enforcement officer, I of course am aware that St Michael (also known as the Archangel Michael), is the patron saint of of law enforcement - He is known as the angel of strength, courage and protection.

What I was unaware of is that Archangel Gabriel is the patron angel of artists, writers and communicators! While researching this I found these two prayer cards.

Now I am a firm believer in Divine Help. Whether you credit that to God, Jesus, Mary or the angels and saints, we all know there are times in our lives when there is NO doubting divine help is available to us!

I also believe firmly in spiritual the practices of prayer, meditation, affirmations, etc. and one thing I can assure you is these two cards will be on my vision board!

For those of you who don't know their value, a vision board is a highly spiritual, energetic and motivational practice of placing pictures of what you want to achieve in your life on a poster or cork board and visualizing the end result. 

Well friends, I sincerely hope you enjoy this edition of Thursday Thoughts and that the information provided here will encourage you to find out who your patron saint or angel is and ask them for divine help. After all, Psalm 91:11 says that God has given His angels charge over you.... Something to think about!

"Inspirational with an Edge!" (TM) 

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