
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday Treasure - What Every Woman Should Know

Good Morning and Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Treasure!

Today we have a very special guest, Author Jori Sams with her book What Every Woman Should Know.

First a little about the author in her own words.....

I have spent a good portion of my life writing. Writing anything. It began with poems, then short stories, novellas, film scripts, novels, Bible studies, children’s stories. Somewhere in the mix, add singer-songwriter. And, of course, the many years of freelance journalism. Most recently, I have written over 1000 pieces for Yahoo alone.

Just give me a topic and I will string some words together as eloquently as possible.

I can now add author of non-fiction to the list. I did not ever think I could tackle all my thoughts and piece them together in a logical sense in this genre. But when God guides, He provides…

So the journey began. My discoveries were astounding. I spent much time in prayer and meditation as I wrote this book, taking it slowly, one epiphany at a time. My prayer is that it is liberating for every woman.

Here is Jori's explanation of how the book came into being.....

I went on a journey to try and unfold the mess that was in my head regarding equality. Not equality in the Western, or any other, Worldview, but that from the eyes of God. What was He thinking when He made man and woman? Are we equal? Were we ever? Will we ever be again? Is the institutionalized church practicing equality in a biblical context?

In my research, while answering one question, another question was born. The trail of answers led me back to the beginning. I wish I had known all of this when I first began walking with the Lord. What a liberating experience it has been! I pray you will be set free, too.

The book covers the subject in the range of women's issues on equality, a hot topic presently!

Take an intense, biblical journey and unpack some of the most controversial passages in the Bible while gaining fresh insight and perspective.

What Every Woman Should Know  is available now through the Publisher, Amazon, and Itunes!

What Every Woman Should Know will be on tour in April. 
Check out the schedule
Participate and win!

As another way for you to participate in the tour, Jori has also created a Reader Poll/Survey centered around the book's subject matter. Check it out!

Well friends I hope you enjoyed this Tuesday Treasure - check back often for more interesting tidbits and great authors with their books!

 Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge! (tm)