
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday Treasure - Meditation

Good Morning Friends!

You may be wondering how on earth Meditation can be a treasure. Well let me explain.....

Like many, I've wondered at the benefits of meditation and balked at what seems like an incredible waste of time. I mean, after all, who has hours (or even minutes!) a day to sit in silence and think nothing? Is it even possible to think nothing? Have no thoughts? What's the use? I've got so much to do, just thinking of thinking about nothing is a stretch of the imagination! (No  I'm not going to try and say that again LOL!)

Isn't it funny how we get all bent out of shape thinking about sitting around and doing nothing? And yet....yet...isn't that what we do when we embrace the quiet and sip a cup of coffee or hot tea? Isn't that what we do when we sink chin-deep into a hot bath or Jacuzzi? Isn't that what we do when we immerse ourselves in a good book?

Meditation has the same benefits of all the things we do to relax. The main difference I've found is between relaxing and letting your mind wander or center on the bliss of the moment or bliss in your life compared to 'focused' or 'intentional' meditation.

We've all enjoyed those moments of pure relaxation, pure bliss where you heave a huge sigh and just be still and listen to the quiet. Focused or intentional meditation has the same effect but a different result because focused meditation makes an impression or cements an idea into your subconscious mind.

The Bible talks extensively about meditating on the "law of the Lord (which is LOVE)."

The dictionary defines meditation as "continued or extended thought; reflection; contemplation and spiritual introspection."

Focused or intentional meditation is taking a simple thought or word, (mantra) and keeping it uppermost in your mind. This can be done in the traditional way (sitting quiet, low or no lights, soft music, etc), but here's the good news! It can also be done any time, any where, for ANY length of time! Even mere moments throughout the day is beneficial.

How?  Simple.

Write your intention down, carry it with you and keep it in front of you throughout the day. Every chance you get, breathe deep and repeat the intention. Keep it simple - a single word or short sentence. If possible begin your sentence with "I AM" (ie; I am love, I am blessed, I am healthy).

Visualization is another form of meditation as is writing affirmations. Meditating on Scripture strengthens faith. Meditating before bed induces better sleep.

Want to experience the benefits of meditation but don't know where or how to start? Here's a couple of great CD's to check out.....

Prayer of the Heart - Meditating to the "Jesus" prayer, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me."

I Am Wishes Fulfilled - tuning forks subscribed to the letters in I Am set to soft, lyrical music.

Well known wellness expert and spiritual leader, Deepak Chopra has several CD's and often does a 21 day FREE Mediation challenge.

I hope you'll check out some of these resources and find your own special form of meditation because the peace and well-being that results from doing so is truly a treasure to behold.

Until later...take care & be Blessed!


  1. Meditation is ideal for people with high blood pressure and chronic diseases, such as arthritis, allergies, or even asthma. It enhances the immune system and can even help in healing after surgeries.

    The Equation book
