
Monday, August 29, 2011

Special Guest - Dana Pratola

Good Morning Friends,
Well you are just being bombarded with great new reads to keep you busy while waiting on The Visionary! Tomorrow I'm on my way to Seattle, WA to visit kids & granson but don't worry, I'll have my laptop so I won't be totally out of touch.

Today is another White Rose author, this one with her debut novel, The Covering. Dana a 47 yr. old mother of 3, married 25 yrs. who says, "The Lord is my Savior, writing is my passion and publishing inspirational books that show the grace of God is my ministry."  Find out more about Dana by visiting her Website and Blog!

BLURB: Gunnar doesn’t think he’s worth saving – if there is such a thing. He doesn’t want anything from a God who failed him so bad in the past. Tessa is determined to keep him alive. But how much can she do when he refuses to be helped?

“What are you doing with Tessa?” Dominic demanded.

“We were just talking.”

“About what?”

“None of your business.”

“She’s my sister.”

Gunnar moved a bit further out of reach. “Yeah, and you don’t want her with me, I get it. But I didn’t
ask for your approval.”

“You better,” Dominic retorted.

“Tessa isn’t a girl anymore, bro. She’s a woman. Not the kind of woman you’d picture me with, I’ll give you that…” Gunnar looked out the window to where Tessa was wiggling a huge box from the front seat of her car. “But I like her.”

Dominic stood, flexing the hand he’d just used to punch Gunnar. He relaxed his posture slightly. “You
like a lot of women.”

Gunnar lowered his head. Yes, another reminder that his past would always haunt him. But he couldn’t
change his feelings for Tessa, and if it meant being selfish to grab hold of her, so be it. Coming to that
conclusion was unexpected, and to be pondered at a later time.

“Have you seen me with, or heard me mention other women since I met your sister?” He could almost
see Dominic replaying the days in his mind before his lips bent.

“And the bike show?” Dom asked. “There’s no way you looked, but didn’t touch.”

The Covering is available in Ebook & Print!  It is also availble for Kindle and other E-readers!

I've read this book friends and let me tell you, as a reader I was just plain blown away. As an author, I'm impressed - very impressed - with this author's work.

Well friends, that's about it for today - hope you enjoy this special spotlight. Stay tuned this week for more good things to come!

Until later...take care, God Bless and remember.... Love felt on the spiritual/emotional level is the truest, purest form~only then can it be expressed physically~through word, deed and action

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!" (tm)



  1. Great story!!! And Gunnar is such a hunk, he would tempt a saint!

    I loved the story! Great job, Dana. Can't wait to see what else you have!

    And Pam, I love your cover! Can't wait till The Visionary comes out!
    It's been a long wait!

  2. Awesome! I'm so eager to read it, too!! :-) God bless, and great post.

  3. The Covering just keeps sounding better and better! Dana, if Pamela is "impressed" with your writing, I definitely can't wait to read it myself. Great review!

  4. Awesome excerpt, Dana, and what a fabulous review. Congrats! I can't wait to read THE COVERING.

  5. This is a very good book Tracy! Yeah Donna, Gunnar is truly a hunk LOL! I especially like his tattoo :-) - And yeah, it HAS been a long wait for The Visionaray - hey it's up for preorder on Amazon!!

    I tell you ladies, if we were a competitive lot I'd say Dana will give us a run for our money LOL!

    Thanks for stopping by and supporting Dana on her tour.

  6. Awesome excerpt, ladies. God bless all y'all.


  7. Hey Friends, just rec'd an email from Dana, she's having trouble posting comments but wanted me to pass along her THANKS to each of you and say that your support is greatly appreciated!
