
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

COTT Champ Lisa T Bergren

*Guest post by Michelle Massaro
Congratulations, Lisa T. Bergren, author of Waterfall! Lisa's winning excerpt was discovered by COTT's new Talent Scout, Katie McCurdy. You can read Katie's review here. This YA title is being highly-praised by adults and is only the second YA title to win at Clash Of The Titles. Visit Lisa's site to learn more about her.
About the book:
Gabriella has never spent a summer in Italy like this one.
Remaining means giving up all she’s known and loved…
and leaving means forfeiting what she’s come to know…and love itself.
Most American teenagers want a vacation in Italy, but the Bentarrini sisters have spent every summer of their lives with their parents, famed Etruscan scholars, among the romantic hills. Stuck among the rubble of medieval castles in rural Tuscany on yet another hot, dusty archaeological site, Gabi and Lia are bored out of their minds… until Gabi places her hand atop a handprint in an ancient tomb and finds herself in fourteenth-century Italy. And worse yet, in the middle of a fierce battle between knights of two opposing forces.
And thus does she come to be rescued by the knight-prince Marcello Falassi, who takes her back to his father’s castle—a castle Gabi has seen in ruins in another life. Suddenly Gabi’s summer in Italy is much, much more interesting. But what do you do when your knight in shining armor lives, literally, in a different world?
Sounds amazing, doesn't it? No wonder it won! If you're ready to read it, head to Amazon now. You can read Lisa's COTT interview here or check out her excerpt here.
Lisa, welcome to the COTT Hall of Fame. We're very happy to have you join us!
Readers, do you hunger for a well-written convo--one dripping with sarcasm or perhaps laced with unspoken meaning? Maybe you like a quick wit or a character whose comments make you LOL. Wish you could influence the dialogue of the fictional characters you read? This week COTT is hosting a showdown for the Snappiest Dialogue. Hurry on over and let our authors know what you like, and what you long to see, in the spoken interaction between characters. See you there!

* Michelle Massaro is the Assistant Editor for COTT and has a passion for evangelizing through fiction. She writes contemporary inspirational novels with heart-rending themes intended to frame the message of God’s healing love. Michelle has written for Romantic Times, Circle Of Friends, and Pentalk Community, among others. Find her on twitter @MLMassaro, Facebook, or her blog, Adventures in Writing, and join the fun.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Special Guest - Dana Pratola

Good Morning Friends,
Well you are just being bombarded with great new reads to keep you busy while waiting on The Visionary! Tomorrow I'm on my way to Seattle, WA to visit kids & granson but don't worry, I'll have my laptop so I won't be totally out of touch.

Today is another White Rose author, this one with her debut novel, The Covering. Dana a 47 yr. old mother of 3, married 25 yrs. who says, "The Lord is my Savior, writing is my passion and publishing inspirational books that show the grace of God is my ministry."  Find out more about Dana by visiting her Website and Blog!

BLURB: Gunnar doesn’t think he’s worth saving – if there is such a thing. He doesn’t want anything from a God who failed him so bad in the past. Tessa is determined to keep him alive. But how much can she do when he refuses to be helped?

“What are you doing with Tessa?” Dominic demanded.

“We were just talking.”

“About what?”

“None of your business.”

“She’s my sister.”

Gunnar moved a bit further out of reach. “Yeah, and you don’t want her with me, I get it. But I didn’t
ask for your approval.”

“You better,” Dominic retorted.

“Tessa isn’t a girl anymore, bro. She’s a woman. Not the kind of woman you’d picture me with, I’ll give you that…” Gunnar looked out the window to where Tessa was wiggling a huge box from the front seat of her car. “But I like her.”

Dominic stood, flexing the hand he’d just used to punch Gunnar. He relaxed his posture slightly. “You
like a lot of women.”

Gunnar lowered his head. Yes, another reminder that his past would always haunt him. But he couldn’t
change his feelings for Tessa, and if it meant being selfish to grab hold of her, so be it. Coming to that
conclusion was unexpected, and to be pondered at a later time.

“Have you seen me with, or heard me mention other women since I met your sister?” He could almost
see Dominic replaying the days in his mind before his lips bent.

“And the bike show?” Dom asked. “There’s no way you looked, but didn’t touch.”

The Covering is available in Ebook & Print!  It is also availble for Kindle and other E-readers!

I've read this book friends and let me tell you, as a reader I was just plain blown away. As an author, I'm impressed - very impressed - with this author's work.

Well friends, that's about it for today - hope you enjoy this special spotlight. Stay tuned this week for more good things to come!

Until later...take care, God Bless and remember.... Love felt on the spiritual/emotional level is the truest, purest form~only then can it be expressed physically~through word, deed and action

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!" (tm)


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday Spotlight - New Release from White Rose Publishing!

Well Friends,

If you've been following my Sat. Spotlight, you'll notice there was not one for last weekend (20th) that's cause there was no new release from WRP!  But never we're welcoming back prolifc author and friend Marianne Evans with her newest Woodland Series release, HEARTS COMMUNION. This third book in the series is every bit as wonderful as the first two: Hearts Crossing & Hearts Surrender.

Jeremy "JB" Edwards dreams of one thing: Having a loving wife and children of his own. Not a surprising ambition, since he was raised at the heart of a large, tight-knit family.

Monica Kittelski spends her days at Sunny Horizons Daycare Center pouring her heart and faith into other people's children. But Monica harbors one impossible dream: Having children of her own someday.
JB and Monica seem the perfect match, but what will come of their electric, sassy relationship when Jeremy learns of Monica's infertility?
Hopes and reality collide when they must confront the idea of finding God's plan and following His will when a dearest hope is destined to remain unfulfilled.

                       Can these two loving, passionate hearts survive a communion of dreams and reality?

So far I've had the pleasure of reading all 3 of the Woodland Series books and must say I can hardly wait for book 4 (Hearts Key) to be released!

Well friends, that's about all for this week. Nothing new on this end so without much further ado, I'll say Good Bye (for now) and God Bless!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Special Guest - JoAnn Carter & The Floating Palace

Hello Friends,

Today I'm happy to share with you a new book by an old friend, JoAnn Carter.

JoAnn Carter lives in Vermont with her wonderful husband of 17 years, four children and Ginger, the best dog in the world. She enjoys being with her family & friends, writing, reading, and cooking. On the side she also writes book reviews for her local Christian radio station, THE LIGHT RADIO NETWORK.

In the past JoAnn has worked as a Licensed Practical Nurse, and as a substitute teacher. This year however, she is at home, to home school one of her children.

JoAnn is available for speaking engagements to book clubs, reader groups, library groups, women's ministry events, school events and church retreats. To contact her, please write or visit her web-site

The Floating Palace (Book One)
ELLIE DUNKLING’S life long dream has been to work on one of Lake Champlain’s steamboat, the Ticonderoga. There’s only one problem. Men, not women, are hired to work on ships. Ellie, however is determined to change that. After all, it is 1923 and far from the dark-ages.

Captain PHILIP LAWHORN is a man’s man. When Champlain Transportation Inc. informs him a woman has been hired to work on his ship as stewardess, he’s anything but pleased. First, he doesn’t appreciate the fact someone’s hired on his twenty-eight-member crew without his knowledge. Secondly, how is he supposed to handle this company mandated—sure to be—disaster?


"Excuse me, captain?"

Philip whirled on his heel. A petite woman with a creamy complexion stared at him with wide, hazel eyes. "Yes?" The lady hesitated then put one foot into his room. She held out a gloved hand, which he took automatically. No matter how glad he might be for a distraction, passengers weren't supposed to be in his quarters. He made a mental note to have a word with his crew later. For now, he had to find an inoffensive way to get rid of this interloper.

"What can I do for you, miss?"

She withdrew her hand and lifted her chin. Determination sparked in her eyes, and Philip hoped what he'd heard about redheads wasn't true. The last thing he needed right now was a hot-tempered, stubborn woman -- however beautiful she may be -- to upset things even more. He took a step closer and held out his elbow. "Let me escort you back to the purser's desk to find someone to help you locate your stateroom."

The woman frowned as if he spoke a different language. Finally, she smiled. Her whole face radiated warmth that enveloped him. "I don't think you understand. I'm Ellie Dunkling, your new stewardess."

"My... my what?" So much for distracting him, she was the distraction.

"Your new--"

He cut her off with a wave of his hand. "I heard you, but I don't agree." He wheezed, "You are not a steward."

Her arched brows drew together. "There must be some misunderstanding. Mr. Trembley said you were expecting me."

Expecting her? Not hardly.

"Lady." He shook his head. "You have no idea." The situation was so ludicrous he was tempted to pinch himself. However, the only thing he was sure to wind up with was a bruise for his efforts. Before him stood an elegant woman in a long, drop-waist garment, insisting she had a place of employment... here.

If there had to be a stewardess, shouldn't it be a frumpy, gray-haired spinster with thick round glasses and a substantial waistline? At least then he wouldn't feel as uncomfortable about the dirty, difficult responsibilities she would need to carry. Nor would he have half the worry over the reputation of his crew and boat, or even the state of his heart for that matter.

Purchase Link: (Also available at and Barnes & Noble.)
Just for Pamela's blog~
If you enjoy this story, please leave a review up on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Then, shoot me a quick e-mail and I'll send you an e-book of your choice from stories I have available.
Also, please feel free to post this link to your twitter or FB!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

School girl Crushes and Blushes

Guest post by: Jennifer Slattery

Do you remember those dances held during junior high and high school? How you and your friends would spend hours pre-dance talking about what you'd wear, how you'd do your hair, and...giggle, blush, giggle...who might ask you to dance? Only those dances never quite ended up how we envisioned, at least not in my school. Inevitably, the guys huddled near the far, heavily-shadowed wall while the girls spent their time crying in the bathroom or trying to comfort their near hysterical friend hiding in the stall.

At least in Junior High. High School got a little better and people actually danced, and the bathrooms were far less crowded with splotchy-faced, sniffling girls.

But reading this week's excerpts actually brought me back even sixth grade.

We didn't have dances--instead, our school hosted skating parties. Do you remember those? "Elvirah" blaring from those gigantic speakers while a disco ball lit up the room, making that feather pinned in your hair really stand out. (Those have come back, btw. Seriously.) We'd do the hokey-pokey, skate on one foot, then backward...but what the girls waited for, holding their breath and scanning the glittering room for their short, waif-thin and equally shy hero, was when the DJ announced, "Find a parnter!"
Now here's where it gets really fun, and extremely embarrassing, but remember I was a stupid kid with absolutely no life....

Who knew come skating party time, a boy--maybe even the boy--might hold my hand. Oh, the very thought made my stomach twirl.

In preparation, I slathered lotion on my hands the week leading up the event--and I mean slathered. Then, I'd rub it in and hold my hand out to my mom. "Are my hands soft? Feel them."

She'd laugh and feel my hand. Then I'd slather on more. "Feel them now."

She remained patient for about three or four applications.

What about you? Any stupid, cheek-burning stories to share?

Be sure to come meet our competing authors this week on COTT

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Another Review of The Visionary!

Hi Friends,
I'm excited to bring you the latest review on The Visionary, this one from friend Kari Thomas!


by Pamela S. Thibodeaux

Five Star Publishing

Release Date 11/16/11

ISBN: 1-4328-2549-2 Hardcover

Inspirational Romance Fiction

As a Reviewer for many of the major publishing Houses, and also for individual authors, I have come across many Inspirational novels that ---when they should have touched me ---only left me feeling a bit disappointed. I can honestly say that when I read a book by Pamela Thibodeaux I know that I will love it and then go on to highly recommend it to others.

THE VISIONARY doesn't disappoint. Ms. Thibodeaux has a unique talent in bringing to vivid life all of her characters, and by the time you've finished reading the book you feel as though you personally know each person portrayed. This particular story has two characters the readers will always remember long after finishing the book. Twins, Taylor and Trevor Forrestier, not only share a business ---but they share a family secret that nearly destroyed them in their childhood years. Because of the horrific past, both siblings rely on each other, protect each other, and are closer than the normal bonding of twins. I do not want to give away the story behind their traumatic past because it is such an integral part of the plot, but suffice to say it is based on actual, disgusting actions that happen in today's society --and often go unnoticed or unpunished.

Alex Broussard hires Taylor and Trevor to renovate and restore an old mansion that he bought. Taylor has a unique, almost-supernatural gift in being able to "see" into a place's past and visualize it as it was originally. Her gift has made her well known and the business has flourished because of it. When Alex and Taylor meet it's obvious there is a connection between them. But Alex soon learns that the twin's past keeps them shielded and stand-offish, and they stubbornly stay clear of relationships. Still, Alex is a remarkable man (a hero in every sense of the word!) and he knows he will not only have to take his time courting Taylor, but will have to help her heal from her past before she'll allow him into her life and her heart.

What proceeds in this incredibly touching, highly emotional story is the stuff love stories are made of.  Ms. Thibodeaux wrings every emotion possible out of the reader as you cheer Alex on, hope for peace and forgiveness for Taylor and Trevor, and speed towards a beautiful happy ending.

Don't miss this one!

Kari Thomas, Paranormal Romance Author, and Reviewer at:

"Kari's Korner Reviews"

Wow, Thanks Kari! I'm humbled and honored.

The Visionary...Where the awesome power of God's love heals the most wounded of souls.....

Pamela S Thibodeaux.
"Inspirational with an Edge!" (tm)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New COTT Champion: A Familiar Evil by Anne Patrick

 *guest post by Jennifer Slattery

The next Clash of the Titles literary champion is Anne Patrick! Her her novel A Familiar Evil won the vote for Author’s Choice.
Here’s a blip of her COTT winning excerpt (excerpt B):
“Excuse me. I’m looking for Chief Russell.”

Jordan’s stomach did a nosedive at the familiar voice of her soon-to-be-ex-husband.
“You found her,” Frank answered.
Jordan looked up just as Sam smiled. “Indeed I have.” He started toward her desk.
Colleen barged through the opened door. “Chief, there’s an Agent Russell here to see…oh, I guess you found her.”
“Agent Russell,” Frank repeated. He turned back to Jordan, “Isn’t Russell your married name?” He then shifted his gaze back to Sam, “That must mean you’re her husband.”
“Not for much longer.” Jordan hurried around her desk and ushered Frank out the door. “You’ll be hearing from me.” She closed the door and looked at Sam. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here at your request.”
Read the full excerpt here.
A few reader comments: 
  • I'm hooked! Loved the tension between Jordan and Sam.
  • Both were really good! I Liked Excerpt B because of the rather humorous exchange between husband and wife. :-) Definitely a book I'd want to get and read!
  • Love tension in Excerpt B. And there's promise of lots more!! 
After reading Anne’s tension-filled excerpt, we wanted to know how she came up with such great stories. Her answer? She writes on the fly.
“I’m a Pantser,” Anne said. “I never plan anything. As a matter of fact I didn’t know who the killer was in A Familiar Evil until toward the end of the book when he sprang out at me and said, ‘I’m your man.’ Of course I had suspected he was the one but I wasn’t for sure. There are several possibilities.”
Her plot ideas come to her just as unexpectedly. “Often times when I'm researching one book, ideas for another start to sprout,” Anne said. “Reading the paper is another good source for me. Life is truly stranger than fiction.
Read the full interview here.
What Anne had to say about her time on Clash:
"Thanks for having me here at COTT. You ladies are awesome!"
Want to join the fun? Hop on over to Clash of the Titles now to vote for our next literary champion and be entered into our drawing for a free book! And don’t forget to stop by Clash of the Titles Book Club to join our cyber-chat. We’re devouring Delia Latham’s Destiny’s Dream.
*Jennifer Slattery is the marketing manager for Clash of the Titles. She writes for Christ to the World Ministries, the Christian Pulse, and Samie Sisters. She’s also written for numerous other publications and websites including the Breakthrough Intercessor, Bloom!, Afictionado, the Christian Fiction Online Magazine, and Granola Bar Devotions. She has a short piece in Bethany House’s Love is a Flame (under a pen name) forwarded by Gary Chapman, another piece in Cathy Messecar’s A Still and Quiet Soul, and a third piece scheduled to appear in Majesty House’s Popcorn Miracles. You can find out more about her and her writing at Jennifer Slattery Lives Out Loud and you can catch some great writing tips at her writing blog, Words That Keep.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday Spotlight - New Release from White Rose Publishing!

Excitement is in the air as we congratulate this week's author, Mary Manners. Tender Mercies finaled in the Lories! What a pun intended as we bring you a brand new intstallment in the Sweet Treat's Bakery series. Download & enjoy today!

Brent Peterson returns to Mount Ridge, Tennessee with a single goal—to win back Grace Spencer. He's loved her since kindergarten, and should have told her how he felt, but Dan Turner swooped in and stole Grace away before Brent had the chance. Now Grace is a widow with a young son, and while it’s been three years since her husband’s death, Brent isn’t sure he should make his feelings known.

When Brent comes around the family bakery, Grace longs to restore their friendship, but the thin gold wedding band on her finger—and memories of Dan—stand between them.

Can Brent's gentle patience coax Grace to let go of her memories…and the ring, or is it time for Brent to move on alone, and leave Mount Ridge forever?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Visionary ~ Review by Robin Bayne

Hello Again Friends,

This week you get 2 reviews on The Visionary - Sunday and now, today, a review from friend and fellow author, Robin Bayne.....

There are many subjects that seem to be taboo in Christian fiction -- sexual abuse, especially against children, is one of them. Ms. Thibodeaux has handled this loathsome subject with class in her fictional tale of love, forgiveness and redemption.

Trevor and Taylor, twins with an unthinkable past, grow and find love in the course of this novel. They not only have to forgive their father, but also themselves, and learn to trust and be intimate with their new loved ones.

The author blends in secondary stories with ease, tying all the loose ends up easily. Their story is told with sensitivity against a rich, colorful background of southern style and history. This story was a journey I feel richer for taking.

Reviewed by Robin Bayne, romance author and avid reader.
Her latest release is Carol Award Winner The Artist's Granddaughter
Visit her at

Don't forget, The Visionary is up for TRS's 5 Heart Sweetheart vote all week & the winner gets free advertising - so if you haven't, please run over there and vote! 

Stay tuned for more great reviews - I'll continue to post as I receive them!

The Visionary ~Where the awesome love of God heals the most wounded of souls...

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!" (tm)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

COTT Blog Alliance - Guest Post by April Gardner

Ever wonder what a writer thinks about other genres, authors, and books? Let's find out! I put together some fun questions for our Clash of the Titles authors, as well as our current anonymous Clashing authors. Some of their answer surprised me. Others made me chuckle, or made me think about my own motives.

Here they are!

If you had to choose... do only one of these for the rest of your life, which would it be? Read or write?
Amanda Flower-- Read- I write because I was reader first.

Lisa Lickel-- I’ve written twenty-five novels so far, published five of them and hope that’s not it, and it’s not like I feel I’ve written everything I wanted to...but between Kindle and my p-tbr-pile, there’s well over a hundred books just calling to be read.

Jennifer Slattery- Write, definitely, because that's when I feel God's presence strongest. I also process through my writing, whether penning articles, devos, blog posts or novels. So I imagine if I quit writing, I'd have horrendous therapy bills!

Gail Pallotta--  It would be extremely hard not to read, but I'd write because I feel that God can use my writing, even if it's in a small way.

Michelle Massaro-- mmm, read. That's why I write and it's also a whole lot easier! Lol

...only one genre to read for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Amanda Flower-- Mystery- I'm a huge mystery fan.

Lisa Lickel-- Ouch! Hit a girl where it hurts. Fantasy.

Author of Excerpt A-- History. I love science fiction, but I have a passion for history.

Jennifer Slattery-- Women's fiction. I love reading about characters ultra dependent on God's grace

Gail Pallotta--  I would read classic books that get at some truth about humanity.

Author of Excerpt B—Romantic Suspense

...only one author to read for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Amanda Flower-- Nevada Barr- Her description of the nationals parks is amazing.

Lisa Lickel-- Hmmm...besides you, of Stewart.

Author of Excerpt A-- Jack London. He wrote a lot of man vs. nature kind of stories, which I enjoy a lot.

Jennifer Slattery-- Hm...I'll give three. I love CJ Darlington and the real-life issues she writes about, but I also loved Diana Prusik's debut novel, Delivery. Then there's Athol Dickson. Wow, that fella can write

Michelle Massaro-- C.S. Lewis. He has such a variety of books to read and they all contain such spiritual truths. Screwtape Letters, Chronicals of Narnia, Space Trilogy, Mere Christianity, I'd be all set.

Author of Excerpt B--  Tough one!  I'll go with Mary Higgins Clark

....only one book (in addition to the Bible) to read for the rest of your life, which would it be? 
Gail Pallotta--  Other than the Bible, I rarely read a book more than once, but My all-time favorite book is An American Tragedy.

Author of Excerpt A-- Drat, you took away my answer. Since I can't pick the Bible, I would say Homer's, The Illiad.

Michelle Massaro-- Could I choose the whole set of Narnia books? If not, I'd have to go with Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers. (hehe, is this answer a cheat?)

Author of Excerpt B-- The one that comes to mind first is Danger in the Shadows by Dee Henderson.

What about your COTT reader? What would your answers be to these same questions?

At the Clash of the Title Book Club this month, we're discussing COTT champ Delia Latham's novel, Destiny's Dream. Head over there and see what all the hype is about!

~ April Gardner is the Sr. Editor of COTT, and best-selling author of Wounded Spirits

Sunday, August 7, 2011

5 Heart Review from TRS!

Hello Friends,

Sorry no Saturday Spotlight this week - yes, there was a new release from White Rose Publishing, The Covering by Dana Pratola but the book will be here on tour August 29th so I'm holding off on spotlighting it - if you want to find out more though, here's the link to the book & Dana's website!

However, I received great news on Friday!

The Visionary received a 5 heart review from The Romance Studio!

Reviewer, Brenda Talley said.... "The love of God is expressed extensively throughout this amazing book. It is not a book to be read by the faint of heart. However, I assure you that you will be blessed if you take time to read it. It will bless your soul. I laughed and cried—mostly cried. The book was intensely emotional. There are multiple layers of the story which constantly kept me on my toes. It definitely affected me when the book was completed. I highly, very highly, recommend this book to anyone. Kudos, Ms.Thibodeaux!"          
Read the entire review HERE!

And if that wasn't exciting enough - the review will be up @ TRS for their 5 Heart Sweetheart Vote beginning 8/8/11. The winner gets some free advertising so PLEASE run over there and vote!

Here's the link again!

Well Friends, been an exciting week - stay tuned for more from Clash of the Titles as well as another review on The Visionary!

Until later...take care, God Bless and remember....God is MUCH bigger than the boxes we put Him in!

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!" (tm)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

New Review of The Visionary!

Well Friends, it's that time again....time to share with you another review of The Visionary this one from friend and fellow White Rose author, Clare Revell

When Alex Broussard hires Taylor Forrestier and her twin brother Trevor to renovate and restore the old house he bought, he has no idea what he’s getting into. For one thing he finds himself attracted to Taylor and for another he’s picking up vibes of something simmering below the surface. It’s not just the gift she possesses either, which makes her restorations perfect.

 This novel by Pamela Thibodeaux is set in Louisiana and is full of the richness and beauty of the Deep South. Its vivid descriptions and wonderful characters add a depth to the story which serves to pull the reader in. The romance is mixed with mystery and a dark past which threatens the safety and sanity of all of. Well worth reading. ~ Reviewed by Clare Revell, Author of Season for Miracles & Saving Christmas

I can't begin to tell you how blessed I am that my fellow authors and friends would not only make time to review this book, but that they would allow me to share their thoughts with YOU, Dear Readers and I hope you're enjoying these as much as I am.

Stay tuned next week for another!
Until later...take care & God Bless.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

COTT Blog Alliance ~ Winner of Gut Wrenching Scenes!

guest post by April W Gardner

Clash of the Titles is proud to announce that author Marianne Evans with her novel, Hearts Crossing, is our newest champion!

About the book: 

Collin Edwards, a former parishioner at Woodland Church, has renounced God without apology, his faith drained away in the face of a tragic loss.

Daveny Montgomery cares deeply about her relationship with God, and the community of Woodland. Lately though, she's been in a rut, longing for something to reignite her spiritual enthusiasm.

A beautification project at Woodland seems the answer for them both. Daveny spearheads the effort and Collin assists, but only with the renovations, and only because he wants to know Daveny better. Despite his deepening feelings for her, even stepping into the common areas of the church stirs tension and anger.

Can Daveny trust in Collin’s fledgling return to faith? And can Collin ever accept the fact that while he turned his back on God, God never turned his back on him?

Marianne competed with the 

Adam and Andrea Graham, and their YA book Tales of the Dim Knight.

What readers said:

  • I'm amazed--can't wait to read more!
  • These books have very different plots and backgrounds, but both sound as though they are great books. Congratulations to the writers.
  • Both were so well done and packed with emotion. This just keeps getting harder and harder!

A glimpse at Marianne's winning excerpt:

Officer Lance Edwards banged hard on the front door of the home. A cacophony of sound increased. “Saint Clair Shores PD. Open up.” Seated in the squad car, Collin Edwards watched his brother cast a quick glance back at the squad car then up and down the street.

Lance trotted back to the vehicle, opening the door. “I'm calling for back up.” He was laser focused. “Stay where you are, and keep alert.”

“Yeah. Got it.” Collin frowned as Lance barked into the car radio and activated the roof top light bars. He left the car to return to the front door.

This time the door was yanked open. A hulking, angry man filled the entrance.

“Step outside, sir.” Lance rested a hand against the butt of his gun.

About her Clash Marianne said:

It has been an honor to "clash" with such a worthy opponent! :-) I love Clash of the Titles.

Next week, April Gardner hosts a special "Author's Choice" Clash. Anything goes with this one--authors chose their favorite excerpts from their own works to submit, and we narrowed it down to the top two for readers to vote on. Spread the word!

-April W Gardner is the Sr. Editor at Clash of the Titles 

and author of Wounded Spirits.