
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Saturday Spotlight - Rebecca J Vickery

Good Morning!

Please welcome back to our spotlight, Rebecca J Vickery with her book, Seeking Shelter.

Bio: Rebecca J. Vickery has been married to the same very patient man for 34 years and has one son and three wonderful grandchildren. She began reading and writing at an early age and thought she had died and gone to Heaven when she started school and found the library with all those wonderful books to read. Since then it has been her dream to entertain and inform others with the written word.

Western romantic mystery with an Inspirational twist...

Brigham Montgomery buys a rogue stallion and a world of trouble. Being the boss of a working ranch isn't easy either.

Loss and fear sends Kat to South Dakota searching for the one friend she has left in the world - a special horse - a horse someone wants dead.

A stable fire, gunshots, and two greedy men bring Brig and Kat together in a way neither would ever imagine.

Rebecca J. Vickery

Check out my books on Smashwords

Romance With A Twist Home Website

Blog with Rebecca J Vickery, Author

Blog at BooksbyRebecca

Rebecca J Vickery, Author on FaceBook


  1. Good luck with this one, Rebecca! I know if it's got a horse there's anthenticity. You're the only person I know who ever told me to use a rifle scope to watch a cross-country race. Brilliant!

  2. Hi Becca!
    Wishing you many sales, my friend.

  3. Rebecca,
    This looks like another winner! I always love your characters--they're so realistic. Can't wait to read this one!

  4. Hey, Rebecca!!! Best wishes with ALL your books! This one looks like a winner!

  5. Hi Rebecca, I think you have a great writing style and I'm sure this one will be a success for you. Good luck! Linda

  6. Pam, thank you for hosting Rebecca. I really enjoy her writing style. Her characters are real, her plots believable, and even all the disasters make sense. And I love the way she uses humor at the most unexpected places.

    Congratulations, Rebecca. Here's wishing you mega-sales on all your releases.

  7. Hi Rebecca,
    Good going got Seeking Shelter up, a sweet modern western. Check it out everyone.
    34 years to the same man, you deserve a medal for that one. That's a long time girl.

    Best of luck,

  8. Hi Pam! Hi Rebecca! Thanks for having her over here, Pam. She has some wonderful books out. Seeking Shelter looks great.

  9. Thanks to everyone who came by and left a comment. You are all the greatest supporters and friends. I am so blessed to know all of you.

  10. Hi Rebecca,

    Congratulations on Seeking Shelter - it sounds like another great read. I hope you sell lots and lots of books. You're a talented writer and deserve every bit of success that is sure to come your way!

  11. Thanks everyone for stopping by - Congrats & best wishes Rebecca!

    God's blessings to each of you!

