
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday Spotlight - Rebecca J Vickery

Good Morning from Bellevue, Washington!

Been here since Wednesday and having a ball visiting with my children and granson, Sean. Whew! the energy these yung'uns have is amazing LOL!

Today please join me in welcoming back to our spotlight, Rebecca J Vickery with another great title: Following Destiny.

Bio: Rebecca J. Vickery has been married to the same very patient man for 34 years and has one son and three wonderful grandchildren. She began reading and writing at an early age and thought she had died and gone to Heaven when she started school and found the library with all those wonderful books to read. Since then it has been her dream to entertain and inform others with the written word.

Find out more about Rebecca and her books by visiting her on the web!

Romance With A Twist Home Website

Blog with Rebecca J Vickery, Author

Blog at BooksbyRebecca

Rebecca J Vickery, Author on FaceBook
Now...a little about the book.....
Down on her luck, Andrea Duncan is excited when she inherits a house and a very special ring from the grandmother she never knew. Suddenly she is hearing voices and discovers the ring opens a portal that allows her ancestors to speak to her.

A very friendly local Sheriff and an over-sized mutt named Heidi bring laughter and love into her life. Then a serial killer focuses on the young woman when she gets in his way. Must Andrea die to follow her destiny?

Buy Links: Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes & Noble
Wow, what a prolific author!
Hope you enjoyed this spotlight, look for more with Rebecca in the future.
Until later...take care & be Blessed!


  1. Hi Pamela,
    Thanks so much for having me back again. I always enjoy visiting the Wild Rose. Since we got the posting together, Following Destiny has gone International. I'm so excited to have books available around the globe in both ebook and print. Thank you again for all you do to showcase authors and their work.

  2. Very sweet spotlight. Love the fact that you have found yourself a patient man. We need many more of those in this world. And how amazing when you walked into that library and went, "Wow!" I can imagine the look of wonder crossing your features.

    How exciting that Following Destiny is now out there for the whole world to read. Best wishes.

  3. Hi Rebecca!

    Love the cover for Following Destiny. Your writing is awesome--really draws the reader into the scenes. And what wonderful fantastic news that your books are going international now! I can't wait to see what you come up with next--you are one talented woman and have so many gifts, organization being among the many I covet. LOL Great spotlight!

  4. Hi Evie,
    Thanks so much for dropping by. Yes, that poor man has been through a lot since I picked him up at the flea market 37 years ago. LOL And I was like a kid turned loose in a candy factory when I saw all those books. I spent so much time there, the Librarian finally let me start helping shelve books. LOL

  5. Hi Cheryl,
    Lately I've not been nearly as organized as I would like, but I keep plugging at it. Thanks so much for the wonderful compliments. My Hubby says you guys are giving me a swelled head, though. LOL I really enjoy bringing my readers along on y adventures with me. It's no fun to go alone. And I definitely love your work too. No one wounds their heroes as well as you.

  6. By The Way - Cheryl mentioned my book cover. I thought my friend and cover artist, Laura Shinn, did a fantastic job of putting a face to Andrea, my main character, and she even put the "special" ring on her finger for me. I love it.

  7. Rebecca,

    Following Destiny sounds like a wonderful read! Here's wishing you much success with it, and congrats on going international!

  8. Hi Rebecca, you go! Congrats on going international. Your writing is outstanding.

    And the cover is beautiful, evocative and perfect for your story.

  9. Congrats on being wed to the same man for such a length of time. An achievement in this day and age! You are doing so well, Becca, and I hope things just get better!


  10. Hi Lisa,
    Thanks so much for stopping by. About the time I was going to respond to you this afternoon, we had another of those storms move in and take out my connection. But we need the rain so much, I don't dare complain (too loudly). LOL

  11. Hi Savanna,
    Thank you and I am so glad you enjoy my stories. I could make posters of all my covers and hang them as art, I love them so much. LOL

  12. Miss Mae, I took pity on him since no other woman would put up with him. LOL I'm kidding. He really does have more patience than any man I know. Thank you so much for visiting. I could sure use a drink of that special lemonade (wink, wink).

  13. Hi Rebecca and All!

    Congrats on going international, Rebecca - I pray God's continued blessings for your success.

    Thanks everyone for stopping by - I pray God's blessings on each and every one of you too!

  14. I love the sound of this story, Rebecca. Spooky! Right down my alley. Congratulations on the release.

    Pam, thank you for hosting Rebecca. She's a talented, writer, Granny, a great listener, and really computer savvy! Don't know what I'd do without her.

  15. Becca, outstanding spotlight, hon! Sorry this is about a week late, but I wanted to say congrat's on the book and it's future sales. I know it'll do great! *G* It's wonderful of Pam to showcase your work this way. Your talent really deserves the notice... *ggg*
