
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Special Spotlight!

Hello Again Friends!

Please welcome Leah StJames for a special spotlight for her debut release, Surrender to Sanctuary published by The Wild Rose Press June 25th!

Author Bio: Leah's fascination with all things written began when she picked up her first Dr. Seuss book, and she has rarely been seen without a novel close at hand since. Although she's held many positions over the years, from office manager to transcript editor, writing is her passion, and after devouring every romance novel in the local library, she decided to put some of the ever-present words in her head to paper. During the course of her experimentations, she discovered that she enjoys delving into the deepest of human emotions--love and hate, bravery and cowardice, joy and despair--and how we, as human beings, relate to each other. Her greatest hope is to touch her readers' hearts and help them experience the joy that only love can bring.

Married with two grown sons, Leah is a native of the beautiful Central Jersey Shore but now enjoys the peace and quiet of Virginia's Hampton Roads.

Visit Leah at

Some doors aren't meant to be opened. . . .

A young woman is brutally murdered, her body dropped into the sea and carried by the tides onto the beach at a federal park at the Jersey Shore. Hometown investigators believe the woman simply partied too hard and fell overboard, but FBI Agents David Owens and Anna Parker know better.

David and Anna trace the victim's path from a local adult club to a dangerous and shadowed world that forces them under cover, into performances that awaken their own desires, and draw them closer to the killer. Soon they are racing against a clock set by an unknown enemy, compelled to carry out a plan that not only jeopardizes their lives, but tests their very beliefs, and their newfound love.

Shaking, she didn't realize she'd started crying until she heard the knock on her door, then David speaking.

“Anna?” He knocked again.

Swiping her fingers under her eyes, she scrambled off the bed and opened the door. He was wearing jean shorts but no shirt, and his eyes went on instant alert, skimming efficiently up and down her body as if looking for damage. Across the hall his door was open, and she could hear his TV on low, one of the political talk shows.

“What's wrong?” He pushed past her to look into her room.


“Then why are you crying?”

“I was reviewing the file.”

“See something we missed earlier?”

He moved back in front of her, still assessing her condition, and reached his hand forward, touching her shoulder. Just a feather touch that lasted only seconds before his hand fell back to his side, leaving an aching void behind.

“No. It just got to me.” She shook her head and asked, “Is there something you need?”

“I was going to ask if you wanted to go over the file together, make a plan for the meeting. But I think not. You should get some sleep.”

She shrugged and fought back another wave of angry tears. “I'm not sure I can.”

Her remark was met with silence; he just tilted his head and looked at her with those eyes that saw too much.

“Promise me one thing,” she finally said, breaking the quiet.

He tipped his head, telling her to continue.

“Promise me you'll do everything you can to get this monster.”

~~Wow - sounds like a GREAT first novel! Surrender to Sanctuary is available now from The Wild Rose Press so get your copy today!

Well friends, hope you enjoyed this special spotlight. Not much new news for me...oh yeah! Got a release date for In His Sight - July 23rd! More on that later....IMW, stay tuned for our Saturday Spotlight.

Until Later.... Take care & be BLESSED!


  1. Hi Pamela & Leah! Enjoyed the post. Surrender to Sanctuary sounds great. The excerpt really whetted my appetite. I surrender--gonna have to read it!

  2. Congrats, Leah. I enjoyed your post. The book sounds really interesting.

  3. Thanks so much, Denise and Anita, for stopping by! If you get a chance to read the book, I hope you enjoy it!

  4. You're right, Pam. This sounds terrific. Leah, I enjoyed meeting you and reading your excerpt. Good luck with your release! Here's to many sales and much success.

  5. Thank you, Tanya! I appreciate your taking the time to stop by, and your good wishes. :-)

    I also wanted to give a BIG thank you to Pam for this wonderful opportunity. Congratulations on your release date for In His Sight! I'll be looking for it.
