
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Special Spotlight - Tanya Hanson!

Hello Again from Bandera, TX!

I know I promised you a blog post from the Silver Spur and I'll get to it - Promise! But today I wanted to share with you a special spotlight.

Tanya Hanson writes historical western romances and is one of the fillies at Petticoats and Pistols. I've known Tanya only through the internet until The Wild Rose Press "Saddle Up & Write" Retreat - where we met face to face!

Tanya's book, Hearts Crossing Ranch was the runner up in White Rose Press's Hearts Crossing contest - and although she didn't win the contest, she was offered a contract - and thus, her FIRST contemporary inspirational romace hit the virtual shelves on June 4th!

So without much further ado, here's Tanya......

Tanya Hanson lives on California’s central coast and enjoys travel with her firefighter hubby. Next up is a wagon train trip around the Tetons, hence the inspiration for Heart Crossing Ranch’s setting. Her career as a high school American Lit teacher helped with insights for Kenn Martin, hero of the story.

Multi-published in mainstream Western historical romance, she began to seriously consider inspirational romance during her husband’s near-fatal illness two years ago. Grateful to the Lord for her guy’s return to full health, she also lauds Him for the “Hearts Crossing Contest” which gave her the opportunity to combine her love of the West with Christian themes. Sincere thanks go to editor and artist Nicola Martinez for the beautiful cover design and for acquiring Tanya’s contest runner-up. When she’s not plotting stories about Kenn’s seven siblings, she’s busy spoiling her three-year old grandson, the newest love of her life. Find out more about Tanya and her books at her website:

A beautiful city slicker and a rugged cowboy…The perfect Wild West adventure.

Cowboy Kenn Martin bears the guilt for allowing a coach to ruin his younger brother’s bright athletic future. Feeling unworthy of any happiness, he’s lost his faith in relationships and in God. When he meets Christy Forrest, he begins to hope for redemption but soon learns his past mistakes aren't something she'll easily forgive.

On the Colorado wagon train adventure planned by her late father, landscape designer Christy Forrest seeks to find peace in the nature she loves. However, she can't let go of her anger at the drunk driver who killed her dad—or the woman who did nothing to stop the man from driving. Falling for Kenn Martin begins to lighten her heart…until she realizes the handsome cowboy carries heavy a burden all his own—a burden she’s not sure she can accept.

Excerpt: “ Have you thought about staying on?” Kenn asked.

She fought for the correct reply, not wanting to sound eager. Or reluctant. Both emotions scrambled together in her heart. “I can’t deny I’m intrigued. But there’s my job. And my mom.”

“Do you think she’s worried about you? Our no cell phone rule, I mean.”

“Sure.” Christy shrugged, her throat tightening. She hadn’t given Mom much thought for a while, and guilt washed over her. “She worries about everything. And it confuses me so much. She’s supposed to be this strong Christian woman, yet she can’t seem to trust God’s will at all.”

Kenn sighed, long and loud. “I think I’ve learned faith isn’t some pinnacle you reach where you get to stay forever. There are hills and valleys all over the place.”

His quick glance stopped her heart before he looked away, as if ready to bare his soul. For a flash, she wondered if he was about to reveal to her the load Kelley had hinted at.
Christy’s voice was soft. “You think you’ll ever reach the pinnacle again? Once you land in a valley?” For some reason, today had her feeling the valley of the shadows might be a thing of the past. Or at least she was on her way upward. It wasn’t mere coincidence or habit, was it, which had her beseech God at the moment she needed Him?

“I don’t know.” Kenn’s forlorn voice touched her heart as their gazes traveled the shoreline to land on Bragg, who was busy showing Mitchell how to cast a fly rod. Maybe God had led her here to Hearts Crossing to find her own peace and to help Kennedy Martin regain his faith.

Wow, can't wait to read this one! Tanya is having a contest on her Hearts Crossing Ranch blog so run over there and see what's going on!

Well Friends, hope you enjoy this special spotlight - check back Saturday for our weekly spotlight.
Until later....Be Blessed!


  1. Very nice interview - and yes, we're waiting for the latest on the Silver Spur!

    Tanya, the book sounds wonderful! Good luck with it!

  2. Howdy, Pam & Tanya - great introduction to Hearts Crossing Ranch! I wish you both much joy and success! Blessings, ladies!

  3. Good morning, ladies. Thanks so much, Pam, for spotlighting me today. Meeting you in Bandera was sure one of the highlights of those fantastic days! I know how much you must be enjoying it now. oxoxox Eager to hear more.

  4. Hi Donna, I'm excited too to hear more about my my latet favorite place on earth!

    I hope you enjoy Hearts Crossing Ranch as much as I enjoyed writing it.

    Thanks for posting today.

  5. H Marianne, Congrats on Hearts Crossing. I love your story, got it right away and also again in my new Kindle. I'v got big shoes to fill! I love your story. Collin is a dream of a hero in spite of or because of his pain.

    Your good words mean so much! Thanks for posting. ooxox

  6. Tanya, my Filly sister, wishing you lots of success with your first inspirational. And with your other two westerns also. I loved Marrying Mattie!

  7. Hi, Tanya. I love getting to know you better.

    Congratulations on the new book.

  8. I love how you spelled the hero's name a bit differently. I've never seen it with two "n's" Is there a story behind that?

    Wow--I didn't know you taught high school American Lit. Now there's a challenge for you! :)

  9. Congratulations on the release! I hope you sell a lot of copies, Tanya!

  10. This book sounds so good. I was a city gal who married a country boy and what a you can not get the country out of this city gal. I dare you to try!!! ha ha I can see this book in my mind and feel like I could relate to it very much. A great idea for a book. susan L.

  11. Hi Tanya,
    Lovely excerpt and a great interview. Even though I am an Aussie, I just love cowboy stories.


  12. Hi Linda, my very own filly sister along with Mary LOL. Thanks for your support as always. I just finished your antho Give Me a Cowboy while I'm here vacationing in Palm Springs and I loved every word! oxoxoxo

    That's why I haven't been at the computer much...parytng with hubby LOL.

  13. Hi Mary, another filly sister. You are truly one of my "inspirations." Thanks for your help with the cloggers in HCR LOL.

  14. JoAnn, oh, thank you. His name is actually Kennedy...the reason why had my editor laughing LOL. No, i's not for JFK. Thanks you for posting today!

    I taught in a Catholic high school~ No getting by those nuns LOL. It was a great career and so much fodder and discipline for being a writer now. oxoxox

  15. Cheryl and Kate, thanks so much for your good wishes. Someday maybe I can meet you for real. oxoxo

  16. Hi Susan, I hear ya. My writers retreat at the Bandera Silver Spur ranch totally changed me. This suburbanite really cowgirl'ed up and I'll never forget any of it.

    I think and hope The Wild Rose Press will hold another retreat there. I think about my experiences and new friends all the time.

  17. Hi Margaret, I think you Aussies have your own cowboy tradition, no? I keep thinking of Quigley Down Under, one of my faves. Thanks for posting today.

  18. Sounds like a winner to me! :)

  19. Thanks, Delia. I just ordered your Yosemite story. Yay. One of my favorite places.

    Thanks, Pam, for letting me share your blog. I so appreciate it.

    And sincere thanks to everybody who responded. oxoxo

  20. Lovely excerpt, Tanya. Good luck with this book!

  21. Love the excerpt, Tanya!! Great interview!

    Charlene Sands
