
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday Spotlight - Joanna Aislinn

Good Morning Friends!

It's party time! Today is my grandson's birthday party - my Sugar Bear turned 1 on Thursday and today we're celebrating with cake & presents.

Just Look at this smile! (This is actually his Easter photo)

Also today we're welcoming to our Saturday Spotlight Joanna Aislinn with her debut title No Matter Why.

Joanna Aislinn is an avid reader whose writing roots stretch back to her early teenage days. Life got in the way until ten years ago, when the story playing out in her head insisted she put it down on virtual paper. She's been writing and honing her craft ever since. No Matter Why (The Wild Rose Press), Joanna's debut novel hits the virtual shelves on January 15, 2010. At present, she’s busy revising its sequel, learning all she can about promo, building her web presence and finding time to work a day job and manage a home along with everything else!
Trust and stability became empty words the day motherless, sixteen-year-old Carrie Norwell’s brothers were murdered and her father’s heart gave out at the scene. Five years later, her barricaded heart remains virtually impenetrable to anyone willing to get close and offer what she wants more than anything: a loving family of her own.

That’s exactly what Billy Jay Eldridge wants to offer the right girl. Operating on a heart and spirit rivaled only by his looks, he’s two years out of college, managing a store and on his way up the corporate ladder. Still, he toys daily with nobler--yet dangerous--career aspirations. Then shy, quiet Carrie joins his crew. Intrigued by her haunted eyes, he sets out to know her better, unaware his life’s calling will be the greatest obstacle to getting her to accept from him what she wants and needs most.

No Matter Why is available from The Wild Rose Press in Ebook and Print.

You can find more on Joanna and her life/writing by visiting her weblog.

Read excerpts of No Matter Why Here!

Well Friends, hope you've enjoyed this week's edition of Saturday Spotlight. Stay tuned each week for more great authors and their books.
Until next time....take care and Be Blessed! and your favorite author a favor - post a review for their book either on the publisher's website or Amazon (if available) - Good reviews DO help increase their exposure and that can increase sales. ~ THANKS FRIENDS!


  1. What a darling gradbaby and lovely lady. Both pics are wonderful. And a big high five to Joanna on her recent release. She's been writing for eons too, but I topped her by having kept a diary in grade school. :) No Matter What sounds gripping. Excellent excerpt. Love the title and the cover too.

  2. Hi Joanna and Pamela!

    Nice to "see" both of you! Thanks for the visit.

  3. Happy birthday to your grandson!

    And Joanna this book sounds wonderful! Good luck with it!

  4. Joanna,

    Congrats on the new release!


    Have fun with your grandson--what a sweetie!

  5. What a little cutie your grandson is. No wonder you are proud of him.

    Sounds like a great read Joanna. Best of luck with it.

  6. Happy Birthday Grandson!! And a cute little tyke he is indeed!
    Congrats on the new release, gonna go read the excerpt! Good luck!

  7. Thanks everyone for your kind comments and BD wishes for Karson!

    Be Blessed.

  8. Sounds like you are juggling many responsibilities Joanna - good on you for already working on a sequel.

    Pamela, your little Sugar Bear is very cute.

  9. Hi everyone,

    So sorry I haven't been around this weekend--had an out-of-state wedding and no time to check in at all! Thanks Pamela for having me and all of you who checked in and read yet another interview--I am much obliged and very humbled.

    Beth, I still have my grade-school diaries so maybe we've both been writing for an equal amount of eons!

    Hi Debra! (waving)

    Happy B-day, kutie-pie Karson!

    I've gotten some really nice feedback from reader friends--humbled again! As per sequel, it's done and looking for a home--I'm being stubborn 'bout where it's going to wind up!

    Thanks again, all!

  10. Oh, here's a hug for that darling boy. I'm a besotted gramma, too. Congrats, Joanna, on the release,and good luck with the sequel.

    Pam, thanks for featuring another great author.
