
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Good News!

Feels like forever since I've been able to say those words...  "Good news!"

Sounds wonderful doesn't it?

Anyway, thought I'd pop in and let you all know I received a contract for my short story, The Gift from White Rose Publishing!

Will keep you posted as we go through edits, get a cover and release date approaches.

IMW.... Take care, be BLESSED and remember...God so loved the world that He gave us His best gift - Jesus.


  1. Congrats :) Are you going to dedicate it to your husband?

  2. Good for you Pam! Congratulations and good sales!

  3. Thanks Clare & Mary!

    Not sure if I'll dedicate this one to my husband Clare - but definitely to my Lord for giving me the strength and courage to write in my darkest hour.

