
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Settling In

Hello Friends,

Experts say it takes a minimum of 30 days to create a new habit. We all know it takes no time at all to fall back into an old one LOL!

This is the last week of January and I wonder~ how are you doing with your goals and resolutions?

My goal as you know was to work from home and I'm finding it takes dedication and discipline to do this.

The first couple of weeks I gave myself a break and time to settle in. Week three I implemented a routine of sorts, one that allows me time to Pray, Write and Promote my own work as well as work on my PPS clients.

Well you know the saying....the best laid plans of mice and men....

Although the routine is workable, life has a habit of getting in the way - HOWEVER I am managing to pin down time to write and submit. So, I guess that's a good thing.

Maybe by the end of next month I'll have lots of good news to report.

Not much else to chat about so until next time....take care, God Bless, and remember....the root of procrastination is fear so get to working on those goals and resolutions!


  1. Hi Pam. Just keep at it until new habits are formed. I guess I've learned the hard way making resolutions do not work for me so why bother? Every day presents a new challenge and if I were to schedule a set time to write, it wouldn't pan out. I write when the spirit moves me. LOL and grab at those rare times when the words flow

  2. Hi Pam, thank you so much for having my book Rx FOR TRUST as your Saturday Spotlight. I had a lot of fun answering comments.

    Good things I didn't make any resolution this year, except giving myself some free time to relax and admire the ocean.
