
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Snow Kissed by Cindy K Green

Hello Friends!

Please welcome Cindy K Green with her newest release, Snow Kissed.

Cindy K. Green is a multi-published author with degrees in History and Education. Previously a middle school English & History teacher, she now homeschools her own children and writes in several genres: Inspirational, Contemporary, Suspense, Fantasy and Historical romance. No matter what she writes, she always throws in a bit of humor and fun. Find out more about Cindy and her books at and To join her newsletter email her at, and she will send you out all three parts of her FREE READ serial, “Valentine’s Challenge.”

Today is one of those days Logan Riley wished he’d stayed in bed. Not only does he have to deal with the annoying Winter Wonderland Carnival but his close friend, that whimsical lover of snow, Holly Armstrong, is leaving town forever. The question is why didn’t she tell him and why today, of all days, does he realize she might be more than a friend?

Holly can no longer stay in town knowing the man she loves only sees her as a friend. It’s time to move on; besides she has other career prospects.

As the carnival unfolds, watch God work in amazing ways. Can He change Holly’s mind and make her stay? Can He help Logan see beyond the friendship? Only time can tell.

Excerpt: As soon as Muriel left, Logan’s mood seemed to shift from irritated to agreeable. His body language became much more relaxed with his hardened chin softening and a real smile moving onto his face. “So, what are you up to this afternoon?”

Before Holly’s expression could waver into a frown, she forced a smile. “I…I’m off for a snow walk.” Possibly my last in Meriden.

“That is what’s so stupid about this…this whole Winter Wonderland Carnival. There’s no snow!” He raised both his hands in aggravation.

“There might not be any right now, but there will be.”

“How do you know? There’s no snow expected. Cold, but no snow.”

“There’ll be snow tonight.” She stepped close to him, laying her hand in the crook of his arm. The contact brought a swirl of pleasure moving around inside her stomach—more so than normal. It must be from all the excitement of her news—nothing more than that.

“Just breathe,” she whispered to him, as she slowly took in a deep whiff. “You smell that?”

He shook his head. “What? Burgers from down the street?”

“No.” She laughed; he could be so dense sometimes. “It’s the first snowfall.” She inhaled another intoxicating aroma of winter air. “It’s coming.”

“And what’s so good about snow? It’s just annoying and inconvenient.” He pulled his arm away and folded them across his lean frame.

“Snow is beautiful…magical.” Her voice came out breathy with the idea of snow making her feel all tingly.

“It’s cold, wet stuff that falls from the sky.”

“Then there are the wonderful clothes: hats, scarves, gloves…”

“…galoshes, wool socks,” he countered.

She continued, not to be undone by his cynicism. “Fresh baked cookies, hot apple cider, hot cocoa, hot toddies…what is a hot toddy?”

He nearly laughed at her, a cute smile building in the corner of his mouth as he shook his head. “A hot alcoholic drink. You want to come in for some coffee? I just made a pot.”

She shook her head and took in a deep breath before releasing it. “No, remember I’m off to take my snow walk through Meriden.” She tilted her head up at him. “I’ll be at the carnival tonight, working the booth for the church. Of course, you wouldn’t dare show your face there, now would you?”

Pausing, she made a concerted effort to memorize his face, including his subtly uneven eyebrows. This was probably one of the last times they’d be together. A breath hitched in her throat at the thought of never seeing Logan again. They’d shared so many memories over the years: spring picnics at the lake, midnight movies, and disastrous cooking adventures. Life wouldn’t be the same without him.

She should tell him she was leaving town for good. This was the perfect moment. Maybe he would respond by telling her she should stay—stay because he loved her too much to let her go. In my dreams.

“Goodbye, Logan,” was all she could bring herself to say. Lord, help me. It was easier than being disappointed.

Snow Kissed is available NOW from White Rose Publishing!

Sounds like another great read from this prolific author and just in time to kick off my Holiday themed romances!

Check back Thursday for another Holiday Themed romance and Saturday for the Spotlight with Margaret Tanner.

Until later....take care and be Blessed!


  1. I loved the book I just finished reading it and it was so refreshing.
    Great interview. I just love meeting all the new authors.

  2. Hi Cindy,

    I absolutely love the title. Wonderful excerpt. I can always smell snow coming too. There's a sense of it in the air. The mood of your excerpt is the same. Some great lines too. I hope Santa brings me an e-reader this year. This story is one I'd like to have.

  3. Hi Pam,
    Thanks for having me on your blog today. I'm looking forward to all the holiday themed stories. I love reading them. ;)

    Hi Lynn & Kathy! Thanks for stopping by today.

  4. Love the title, love the cover, and love Cindy's work! Can't wait to get my e-reader so I can catch up on all my ebooks! Congrats, Cindy!

  5. Hi, ladies! Cindy, your story combines two of my favorite things...more than friends and Christmas. Way to go!

  6. Hey Stacey! And congrats to you on your new Christmas release. Can't wait to read it too. Thanks for popping over.

    Hi Emma! I think I must like the idea of a winter story and best friends finding love because both of my releases this winter have that theme. Funny!

  7. Hi Cindy,
    This book is attracting a lot of attention! Great story and what a nice prelude into the Christmas season. Best of luck and let it snow let it snow let it snow!

  8. Hey Sharon!
    I have heard many wonderful comments from readers about Snow Kissed. Yes, let it snow! But let it melt soon after at my house. ;)

  9. I love the title and the excerpt, Cindy. Snow-Kissed sounds like a truly romantic heart-wrencher--keeping two Love-birds apart.

    But I know you will bring them together...somehow. But how?

    I hope Santa brings me this book for Christmas.

  10. Hi Cindy,
    Great interview, Snow Kissed sounds like a great read. I have always dreamed of having a white Christmas, but not possible down here in Australia, too hot.


  11. I already read it too. What a sweet story!


  12. CINDY--you know I love that book cover. Good luck with lots of sales this holiday season! This would make a perfect gift. Celia

  13. Cindy has such a great way of bringing together her characters that it is always a joy to see a new story coming!
