
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Still Holding On.....

Hello Friends,

Thought I'd touch base and let you know that I'm still holding on. Can't believe it's been six weeks since my beloved entered eternity. I wonder....will this be the milestone that marks events in my life?

We all have them you know - some point or points in our life by which we measure change, failure or success.

My boss told me of a priest who has experienced near-death and something he said....he (the priest) said that there is no time element in eternity and that when we meet our loved ones there - it'll be like we were never apart. This thought gives me hope and I know in my heart exactly how Terry will look....he'll look to me the way he did on our wedding day

- one friend said this picture is her favorite of him too - because every aspect of his personality is reflected in it. I agree - this is how I still see him, how I saw him throughout our entire lives together - how I'll always remember him....that smile, the expression on his face when he was about to say -or just said - something cocky and cute, the air of confidence he exuded, the joy he brought to MY and so many lives....

Little things like a ball game, selling a set of books or a new picture of our grandchild(ren) bring a spark of joy admist the sadness in my heart. Here's the latest of our youngest, Karson.....
Even writing isn't the same for me...where once exhilarating - now exhausting but I keep plugging away - not daily as I should but a couple of times a week I'll sit down with my latest WIP.

Oh before I forget ~ the White Rose authors are having a scavenger hunt! Visit our blog for details -AND- Bayou Writers's annual fall conference A Bridge to Publication is right around the corner - Nov. 14th - download the brochure here.

Guess that's about all for now. Until later.....take care and be blessed.


  1. Maybe write the current WIP or even the next one for him. Base the hero on him, dedicate it to him. Just a thought.

  2. Take care and be blessed, as well, Pamela. I'm glad to hear you're holding on. Grief is such a devastating emotion. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  3. Hi Pamela, I did not know of your loss until Facebook statuses. I am so saddened by your loss. But grandchildren, well, they are our future.

    Here is a ton of hugs and prayers,

  4. Thanks Clare, Liana and Tanya for your kind words and support.
