
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saturday Spotlight - Teri Wilson!

Good Morning and Welcome to another edition of Saturday Spotlight.

Today's guest is prolific author, Teri Wilson!
Teri Wilson loves romance, dogs and wearing pink. Her stories are often filled with happy endings, splashes of humor and a loveable critter or two. After all, Cinderella never would have lived happily ever after without a little help from her animal friends! She is the author of the Hoofbeats & Heartstrings series of romance novels celebrating love, miracles and the beauty of horses. All of the Hoofbeats & Hearstrings books are available through The Wild Rose Press.

Teri is also the recipient of the 2006 Westminster Kennel Club Angel on a Leash Writing Award, the winner of the 2008 Spaniel Journal Writing Contest and the 3rd place winner of the 21st Annual American Kennel Club Short Fiction Contest. She lives in San Antonio, Texas, with her husband, son and three delightful dogs.

Here's an introduction to Teri's books.....

All weary traveler Lily Wilson wants to do when she gets home is crawl into bed. But when Clear Blue Airlines drops her missing suitcase on her doorstep in the middle of the night, they throw in a little something extra. Could it be love that dropped out of the Clear Blue sky? Lost Luggage is available now at The Wild Rose Press.

Christabel Wilde’s life has just turned upside-down. With little more than the clothes on her back and her newly rescued Chihuahua tucked under her arm, she makes a pledge to start over and applies for a job as a groom at a horse rescue farm. Nevermind that she’s never been up close to a horse before, she has a bigger secret to hide. A mysterious gift her new neighbor, Dr. Declan Armstrong, is determined to uncover. When the irresistible veterinarian volunteers to give her riding lessons, Christabel knows it could be the end of her secret. With the Easter holiday approaching, she tries to remember that sometimes what looks like the end is really a new beginning. Love Lillies and the Unbroken Straw is available now at The Wild Rose Press.

As a child, Simone Littleton adores the European folktale that animals are given the gift of speech at midnight on Christmas Eve. She makes a wish to talk to animals "forever and ever" and, when her pet Dalmatian asks her for a biscuit, she discovers her wish has been granted. Now Simone is all grown up and she uses her unique gift to rehabilitate unwanted horses. When racehorse trainer Chet Wallace rolls into San Antonio, with chocolate eyes and dimples blazing beneath his black Stetson, romantic sparks fly. He is immediately drawn to the beautiful woman who has a mesmerizing affect on both his horses and his dog, but his less than enthusiastic response to Simone's claims threatens their budding romance. It takes a scheming Jack Russell terrier and a dose of Christmas magic to convince Chet she just may be telling the truth. Do You Hear What I Hear is available now at The Wild Rose Press.

Lonely, single girl Melody Sweet has a way with chocolate, making delectable concoctions so others may show their affection. But she has no special man in her life, no one to share her love of sweet treats. Her world turns upside-down on Valentine’s Day when she simultaneously acquires a precious English Cocker Spaniel puppy and a secret admirer. Will Melody and her puppy, Bonbon, solve the mystery of who is leaving flowers and dog biscuits on her doorstep? BonBons and Truffles is available now at The Wild Rose Press.

Wow! If this isn't talented enough, Teri has recently signed with White Rose Publishing for her inspirational titles!

Well Friends, hope you enjoyed this week's Saturday Spotlight - come back every week and find out about another great author!

Until later....take care and Be Blessed!



  1. Teri's stories are great! Such a sweet sense of humor and those adorable critters! You go, Teri!

  2. Hi Teri, you are one talented lady with a heart as big as Texas! We all love our precious animals and you have the gift for bringing them to life in living color through your stories. We are blessed to have you with us at WRP. I wish you all the success in the world and hope the ankle is on the mend. BTW, pink is my favorite color too!

    Sharon Donovan
    Romantic Suspense with a Twist of Faith

  3. My stepmom loved your book, Teri! I can't remember which one I gave her though. LOL She couldn't read mine--high fantasy. But she said she sailed through yours. I'm not taking that as an insult. LOL
    As for animal friends, my 3 yr old would be bored to tears without her kittens. Those little balls of energy are definitely saving my sanity too!

    I'll be on the lookout for your new releases! Grandmas always need holiday gifts. ;) ~Skhye

  4. Teri

    I love dogs and BonBons is a cute story. Congrats on signing with White Rose. Have a great day.

  5. Teri,

    You are one talented lady, and a busy one, too. Hope the ankle has slowed you down too much.

    I love animals too, even included a dog and horse in Journey to Forgiveness. And I also have a dog and horses in my WIP.

    May God bless you in all your endeavors.


  6. I just found out something TERRIBLE. I don't have BonBons and Truffles! Let me fix that immediately.

    That's how good Teri's books are. Can't stop at one, or two, or - you get the picture. Sweet, wonderful, funny - they'll bring a tear to your eye and put a song in your heart.

    Wonderful stories from one incredible, and totally awesome, lady.
