
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday Spotlight - Amber Polo

Hello Again Friends,

Well, I thought slowing down on the blog posts would make my life less hectic, but as usual, other things jump in its place LOL!

This week please join me in welcoming back, TWRP author, Amber Polo and two of her stories with one major think in common....a wonderful cover artist, Nicola Martinez!

Now Nicola has done most of the covers of my White Rose books too, so I am more than excited about sharing Amber's stories From Latte to Love & Wired for Love with you. But first, here's a little about Amber.....

Bio: A recovering English major and librarian (two ways to make sure writing fiction is the last thing you’ll ever do) Amber turned to stories because she had no choice. Amber has lived more places than many people visit. From a career as a librarian to yoga teacher with a few stops in between, she most recently moved from Key Largo, Florida to Arizona near Sedona. She is a member of RWA and NARWA. You can find out more about Amber and her writing by visiting here website and/or blog.

From Latte to Love
High school poetry teacher, Elaine, writes paranormal fantasy romances. Brian is a brilliant computer game designer and hopeful science fiction writer. As these shy strangers steal glances over laptops and Starbucks’ lattes, will fantasy turn to romance? Can Elaine’s gentle but powerful white witch heroine, Tranquility, subdue Brian’s alpha male hero, Duke Starmaster? Can Elaine and Brian leave their imaginary worlds long enough to fall in love?

A perfect coffee break read. Sweeter than a honey frap.

Wired for Love
Hilarious technology love flash!

Two sexy geeks match wits in a hi-tech Cincinnati apartment. Penny Sizemore is trapped in a cyber prison of her own design until an enraged guru breaks the code and turns her carefully constructed platform upside down. Sensual, a little edgy, and very funny.

Both books sound incredibly cute and both are available from The Wild Rose Press!

Well Friends, that wraps up another issue of Saturday Spotlight. Please join me Wednesday for a special spotlight on fellow author Beth Trissel!

Until then....take care and Be Blessed!


  1. Thanks Pamela for featuring my stories. I was thrilled when Nicola incorporated the Wired cover in the From Latte to Love laptop.

  2. AMBER, hi--you moved from Key Largo to Sedona? That's a universe apart--You've led an interesting life, varied in every way. Hope you sell mucho $.99 copies this month. My line will be featured in June on Wild Rose--I expect to see a little jump in sales.(Maybe at last, I'll earn enough to buy that car--ha-ha.) Nice spotlight--Celia

  3. Nice to learn about you Amber. I wish you the best of luck with your books. Keep that great smile on your face, it's wonderful!!

  4. Thanks Celia, what kind of a car are you planning on?

  5. Hi Amber,
    Great covers, terrific idea to incorporate the two. Very clever.

  6. Both stories sound really good, not to mention Nicola does awesome work. (She's done most of my covers.)

    Have a great Sunday, Amber and Pam!

  7. Gotta love the writing of Amber Polo - funny, intelligent, quirky. Great stuff!

  8. Thanks again Pam. Kari Thomas tells me she thinks you're great.

  9. Thanks Amber, Kari is a sweetie :-)

