
Thursday, April 9, 2009

One Sentence

Authors are encouraged to sum up their novel in one sentence for the instance you meet up with an editor or agent and only have a minute or two to pitch to them. In television, this is known as a log line - that short description you see in the tv guide is a log line.

Here's a couple of one-liners I've come up with for my books....

The chance we all long for, the chance to start over ~ The Inheritance.
Can stubborn hearts be tempered unto the will of the Lord? ~ Tempered Hearts
Can joy be found amidst tragedy and grief? ~ Tempered Joy

You'll see these for every novel and short story in the sidebar slideshow of covers.

My husband tells the story of one sermon that has stuck with him all of his life - one sentence or rather one question .....

"It's Easter, what have you done?"

As we head into the holiest weekend of the year - pause and reflect on your life, sum it up in one sentence and then pray that God show you what to change so that at the end of your life, you'll hear the one sentence we all long to hear out of the mouth of our Lord.....

"Well done, good and faithful servant."

God Bless & Happy Easter.

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"

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