
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday Spotlight - The Christian Pulse

Hello Dear Friends,

This week's edition of Saturday Spotlight is late getting posted and for that I apologize. Hubby has been in the hospital and it's been a rough week. On top of that, scheduled author Tannia Lopez couldn't make it so I was at a loss what to do.

So instead of an author today, we're spotlighting a place where Christians can find just about any information they need.

The Christian Pulse is a new site with a bright future. They offer information on every type of Christian service you can imagine with a Talent directory (authors, artists, muscians, etc), Business directory, School & Camp directory.

Anything from articles to services, The Christian Pulse should have you covered with a variety of articles and essays to build your faith.

You'll find them listed in the "Areas of Interest" section on my sidebar.

Well Friends, that's a wrap for this week's Saturday Spotlight.

Until later...take care and Be Blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Please be aware that The Christian Pulse is not a charity nor a 501(c)3 corporation. It is registered as a 'for profit' corporation. Officers of this company continue to seek volunteer workers and donations, which suggests a 'non-profit' status.
