
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Saturday Spotlight - Saved!

Hello Dear Friends,

As you know I was in a quandary over the request to pull a spotlight by the featured author due to my "warning" and considered whether or not to discontinue the Saturday Spotlight feature.

I polled a group of authors and all of them basically said the same thing - have the authors rate their work.

However, as one author pointed out in a private email, ratings are subjective too. What one would consider spicy another might consider explicit. What one person considers PG13 others might think it PG17.

I offer this spotlight as a way to help fellow authors - all authors - regardless of what they write or who they write for. All of the authors I've spotlighted are considerate enough to only send excerpts and covers that are not overtly sexual or explicit.

THEREFORE, I am NOT going to have anyone rate anything. You'll notice that I placed a disclaimer in the sidebar about the Saturday Spotlight feature - I trust this is all I need, it will not upset another author, but will be informative to readers.

I want to take a moment to send a heartfelt THANK YOU to Bess for her graciousness in all of this and say - publically - that this was in no way to point fingers or cause her any grief. I truly had no idea that the warning might be upsetting. Those who know me, KNOW I would NEVER intentionally hurt another being!

She is truly a remarkable woman and I'm blessed to know her and I hope/pray she will allow me to spotlight her sometime in the future.

Thank You, Bess and may God bless you!

I would also like to thank each author who posted a comment and/or emailed me about this feature. Your support means more to me than words can express.

God Bless you ALL!

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