
Monday, December 22, 2008

Weeklong Christmas Celebration!

Hi Friends,
This week I'm only posting Christmas Related stuff - at least through Christmas Day. Today's post is an idea for Homemade Gifts.....

What do you give when money is tight? How about a piece of your heart?

As a writer I’ve found a way to do just that. I’ve written poems for new parents, anniversary, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Christmas.

You may be thinking that’s nice, but how do you give these poems as a gift?

The poem for new parents, color in pink and blue, add clipart, personalize, and put in a pretty frame and you have a wall plaque. Same goes for the anniversary, Mother’s Day or Father’s day poems – use a pretty font, add clipart, print on nice paper and frame.

But what about Christmas?

Make tree ornaments!

Create a document with 4 copies of the poem in red and green font on page one and a cute Christmas picture on page two – which is printed on the back. Laminate the pages and cut each individual poem out. You can use special scissors, Christmas cookie cutters (the large ones), or just your imagination to design each one. Lace, ribbon, colored pipe cleaners, tiny boxes, and stickers make cute accessories. And of course, you’ll need a small hole-puncher to add the hook.

Simple, inexpensive and a gift that will be treasured by family and friends for years to come!

Here's a picture of one I made years ago.
Front Back

Speaking of Christmas Ornaments, here's another great idea!

The Eye of Jesus or God’s Eye ornament is fashioned out Popsicle sticks and crochet thread. Make a cross with the sticks and loop the thread outward into a diamond shape. In the center of the design, where the sticks meet, the “eye” is formed.

Find our more here!

This is fun and easy and even your kids will enjoy making this special ornament....especially if you tell them the story of Jesus and His birth or sing Christmas songs and hymns while doing so!


  1. We make homemade goodies from our kitchen. Who doesn't like food?

    ABreading4fun[at] gmail [dot] com

  2. Hey Abi!

    Yeah, those are favorites too except I'm not a cook or baker...I can use a box but that's about it LOL!

    Thanks for dropping by!

    Hope your Holidays are BLESSED and Happy.
