
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I've Been Tagged - AGAIN!

My Friend Judy Leger tagged me and trust me, I will get even :-)

Judy is a great friend and wonderful writer. I'm not much on fantasy or paranormal, but I'll read hers. Check out her story, The Witch Within available now from The Wild Rose Press!

I'm supposed to tell you 6 things about myself and tag six friends so here goes:

1) I'm Going to be a Grandmother Again! My daughter found out last week that she's expecting.
2) I live with my husband in Iowa, LA, we have one dog.
3) I am a Licensed Insurance Sales Producer
4) I am the co-founder of the same writers' group Judy belongs to, Bayou Writers Group
5) Although I can be found enjoying an occasional movie with my husband, TV is not my bag, I'd rather read.
6) I too, have Cherokee blood in my family, on my father's side.

Darn this is difficult so early in the morning, LOL!

Okay now I'm tagging the following people:

Angie Dilmore is a talented writer who moved to Louisiana about a year ago. She too is a member of Bayou Writers Group.

Mindy Blanchard is another talented writer and new member of Bayou Writers Group; she has taken over our newsletter and doing a wonderful job!

Mirella Patzer is not only a wonderful writer but an excellent editor. Her book, Bloodstone Castle is well worth whatever it cost you (time, $$, energy) to read!

Kim Smith is a writer whom I'm sure we'll be hearing a lot about in the future!

Ron Adams is a new friend, we've met as a result of publishing contracts with the same publisher.

Rosemary Morris is another talented writer with whom I share a publisher.

Hope you find these friends as interesting as I do.

Don't forget, tomorrow I'm spotlighting Shobhan Bantwal and her book, The Forbidden Daughter on her virtual book tour!

Until later...take care and God Bless.


  1. Guess what Pamela, you were tagged but I've given you an award on MY blog! Go check it out:)


  2. You see, you have an award for this!!
