
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Coincidence or a Sign?

Throughout the Bible you’ll find instances of people asking God for a sign. In Judges, Gideon put out a “fleece” before the Lord, which was his way of asking for a sign from God that he was doing what God commanded of Him. In this month’s Guideposts Magazine, in the feature article with Angie Harmon she mentions asking God for a sign that she was in His will when she accepted the marriage proposal from her husband. Catholics who pray a novena to St. Theresa know that the sign from her that their prayer will be answered is a rose.

The rainbow itself is a sign from God that He will never flood the earth again until all of humankind is wiped out.

As you know from my previous posts, I’ve been really studying the Law of Attraction and The Secret. One of the stories in The Secret is of a man who tested the LOA by creating a picture of a very specific feather and visualized it coming to him – which it did.

With this concept in mind I came across a picture of the St Gauden twenty-dollar coin and thought how pretty it is and how I’d like to receive one. I even put a picture of this coin on my vision board.

The Secret teaches that the Universe knows the quickest, fastest, most harmonious way to answer. The Bible teaches that Gods ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. Both stress that we should be open to the way that our answer comes to us and that it may not be exactly as we think.

Anyway, back to the coin. Recently I received an email from offering 6 free mind movies. These are supposed to help supercharge your manifesting abilities. Well, I downloaded the one for Money and lo and behold, one of the clips had a stack of gold coins and the St. Gauden coin was right on top!

Now I’d still like to hold one of these coins in my hand, but I ask you – was this a coincidence or a sign that I am on the right track in learning and developing this creative process we all possess?

I think so.

Until later remember....imagination and an open mind are treasures to behold.

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"

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