
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Faith in Action or the Law of Attraction?

As I study the LOA I’m reminded of instances in my life and the lives of others I know that reflect this principle in action. Now, before I ever heard of The Secret, I believed – and still believe- that these events were a result of faith in action. After all, the Bible says , “delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”

However since my introduction to The Secret I began to wonder….are Faith in Action and the Law of Attraction one and the same?

You decide…..

A secret to The Secret is to feel happy now – In 2003 my daughter phoned to announce that she was pregnant. After a moment of surprised shock I thought… “Oh, a little girl.” Now I must say this was more than a mere thought, but something I felt to the depths of my being and now, my Angel Girl is 4yrs old.

Visualization is the key – In 2004 hubby and I had to make one of the toughest decisions a pet owner has to make – at the advice of our veterinarian, we had our beloved Princess euthanized. She was 14 ½ yrs old and suffered from internal tumors that blocked her digestive system and colon. The vet felt that at her age and the severity of her condition, she would not survive surgery. After about a year, my husband and I talked often of getting another dog, however issues like house training a puppy and finding one that would be a good pet to be around our grandchildren and great nieces/nephews, served as a deterrent. During those conversations I would always tell him that I wanted a German Shepard. “Not a big, bulky cop dog, but a slick, slender, female,” I’d say in an attempt to describe the vision in my mind. One morning in 2006 I headed out for my usual walk when I heard a still, small, Voice urge me to “go to the track.” Quick to listen and obey that Voice, I took off. When I arrived there she was, running loose. I brought her home, hubby found who the owners were and they gave her to us! Best news of all – she was housebroken and had been raised around children!

Ask, Believe and Receive – My mother-in-law is a devout lady, a good woman with strong beliefs. At one point in her life she believed she would win “Cash Quest” one of the many options available in the Louisiana Lottery. Not a huge gambler, she simply thought of the few $$ a week as a little fun and guess what? You’re right – she won!

These are just a few instances of events that have happened in my life and the lives of people I know. I’ll share a few more with you in a later post.

Until then….take care, God Bless and remember…Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve (W Clement Stone) OR in other words…As a man thinks in his heart, so he is! (Proverbs 23:7)


  1. Interesting, Pamela! I haven't read the Secret, but am interested to read what other Christians think of its teaching.

  2. Thanks for the comment Flchen1!

    I'm sure you'll find Christians on both ends of the spectrum when it comes to The Secret, but I LOVE it!

